Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation Of Our Day Of Filming

Earlier today we filmed the performance, however not in the drama studios as planned. Once again the drama studios were busy with GCSE performances and rehearsals. As we only have about a week until the deadline we needed to get the filming finished by the end of the week.

After hearing about drama we decided to look in the main school hall as this too has black curtains and a black flooring on the stage, luckily enough it was free.

We set up the camera and filmed both Faye and Elliot in a number of different shots and was finished in just over an hour. Tomorrow we will import the clips onto the computer, convert them and edit them into our nearly finished music video.

The only issue we had today was that halfway through Elliot's performance the SD card became full as we have been filming in 1080p. We solved this by deleting some of the early clips we have already imported.

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