Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation Of Our Day Of Filming

Earlier today we filmed the performance, however not in the drama studios as planned. Once again the drama studios were busy with GCSE performances and rehearsals. As we only have about a week until the deadline we needed to get the filming finished by the end of the week.

After hearing about drama we decided to look in the main school hall as this too has black curtains and a black flooring on the stage, luckily enough it was free.

We set up the camera and filmed both Faye and Elliot in a number of different shots and was finished in just over an hour. Tomorrow we will import the clips onto the computer, convert them and edit them into our nearly finished music video.

The only issue we had today was that halfway through Elliot's performance the SD card became full as we have been filming in 1080p. We solved this by deleting some of the early clips we have already imported.

Day Of Filming

Straight after the showcase we decided that we would stay behind after school and film some more performance shots as this was the main criticism we received during the showcase. We planned to do the filming in drama as it is all black and fits in very nicely with our genre and song track.

Plus Faye and Elliot had already brought in their performance costumes and Jamie had brought in the microphone.


Today was the showcase! All of what we had created so far was saved and shown to our media class, teachers and some other students within the sixth form. During our showcase we gave every person viewing the music video an evaluation sheet which explained how we wanted people to evaluate and criticize our music video.

The overall response was very good. Almost everybody liked the edits and the sound quality of the music video however some told us that some of the performance shots were too long and needed to be cut into something else.

We have taken all the feedback on board and will be tweaking the music video over the next couple of days to create our final professional looking music video.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Filming the Performance

The only thing now to complete the editing process is to film more of the performance for the video. To do this we have all decided to stay behind school tomorrow (Wednesday 30/3/211) in the drama studio and film; within in this we shall film extreme close-ups, close ups, mid shots and long shots which are all conventions of music videos.

Woooooo we are all really excited for the filming tomorrow!

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Today we had planned to film the last little part of the performance in the drama studio however the room was busy and also Elliot was not in. Instead we decided to look through all the performance we have already recorded and look what we could do with the footage we had already. As the deadline for the music video is very soon we didn't want to wait to get the footage, instead we decided to make the most of the footage we already have and if we get a chance to record more of the performance then we will import it.

Monday 21 March 2011


Today we imported the entire performance of the field into the Final Cut Express timeline. We did this to fill in all the gaps in the timeline, we then watched the music video through and noted down where we wanted to add the narrative.

Editing - Effects

Today we continued editing the performance for our music video. While we were editing Faye had the idea of adding a black and white effect to the beginning of the video and then gradually adding colour. We decided to do this as it makes the audience aware they are watching a music video. *SPOILER ALERT* Also the beginning shows the girl going into the bathroom where she later kills herself. As this is the most emotional and important part of the music video we wanted to emphasis it. *END OF SPOILER*

Wednesday 16 March 2011

What We Have Done So Far

Well Done guys! I think we have done really well and all that is left to do now is to finish the performance side of the music video and edit it into the video using Final Cut Express! We will be able to finish by the original deadline and look forward to show everyone what us as a team have created!


Today we planned to finish the performance part of the music video in the drama studios. However Elliot was not in today therefore Faye and Jamie decided that we should convert the forest performance and put them into Final Cut Express, ready to be edited.

Instead we are going to film the rest of the performance on Friday as this is the next available day when we have a media lesson.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Evaluation Of Our Day Of Filming

Earlier today we had planned to film as much of the performance as possible. We had planned to film in the drama studio and field using a wide range of different shots which can be edited together and used in parts of our music video.

However we found out that the drama studio was being used therefore we decided that we would film the field performance today and the studio performance tomorrow. Overall we managed to film the entire song with Faye being the lead singer in a number of different shots. We filmed her from a low angle as this is a convention of music videos and also a mid shot and close up. These shots edited with the drama performance will make the music video look professional and unique.
We were all happy with what we had filmed so transferred and converted the clips into Final Cut Express ready for editing later on in the week.

Day Of Filming

Today we decided that during our two hour media lessons we would film the performance part to the music video. As we only had a two hour time frame to get as much performance as we could we decided that we should stay on the school site to film. Two places we thought would be appropriate would be the drama studio as it has black floors, walls and curtains which fit perfectly with our piece of music and genre, and also the school field as this can represent freedom and getting away from the reality of her life. This also links into the narrative and ties the two together nicely.

Monday 14 March 2011


Today we carried on editing the narrative and have almost finished putting all the clips into place. We decided that tomorrow would be a good time to finish filming the performance side of the music video. Tomorrow we all have a double media lesson which we can use for filming and after school. After tomorrows filming we can convert and put together the rest of music video which we believe will be completed by the end of the week.