Friday 17 December 2010

Facebook Group To Get People To Take Part In Our Music Video

We have now come to the stage where we want to start planning our shots, and where and when we they are going to happen. We came together as a group and was discussing what shots we could do and when. The first thing we did was look back on our storyboards and initial ideas. While we were looking through these plans we thought a good start would be to film the classroom scene during school. To get the word out to others in our school we set up a Facebook event, 'Take part in our music video'. We sent the event to everybody in West Hatch High School Sixth Form and waited until we got between 10 - 20 people. Within a few days we managed to get 18 people to attend the event on the 18th January - 19th January.

Monday 13 December 2010


Jamie was the only member of the group who was in today therefore decided to go back to the star image collage and add some more detail to it, he decided to add quotes about Rihanna to the collage and go into more detail about her as a person. He then chose to look more closely at her physicality, talent and race and also look at the message she is giving us through the images on my collage and how she has changed throughout the years.

Friday 10 December 2010

Song Choice - 'Bring Me To Life' By Evanescence

After our meetings we made a decision to create a video from the Alternative Rock genre. We chose to produce a new music video for the song 'Bring Me To Life' by Evanescence, we all like the band and song, other reasons for this decision are:

  • The song builds up to a fast tempo- this will allow us to show our skills in editing and editing on the beat.
  • The song is from the Rock genre.
  • The song allows use to create a narrative that we can relate to teenage lives.
  • We all enjoy the song, therefore we will not get sick of listening to the song and we all have an idea of the lyrics.
  • It is not too recent, this allows the video to shine our creative skills as people will not compare it to the original video.
  • As it was released in 2003, this abolishes any copyright issues when posting on You Tube.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Genre Choice - Rock

After talking about what genre's each of us enjoy listening to in our leisure time, we discovered one genre that we are all particularly comfortable with is Rock. However, Rock does split into several genres, each of which have their own unique sets of codes and conventions, so we decided to do further research into which specific genre we would enjoy the most and be able to relate to best.

Faye's Favourite Band- Linkin Park
Jamie's Favoutire Band- Arctic Monkeys
Elliot's Favourite Band- A Day To Remember

Although all of the bands we talked about have slightly different sub-genre's attached to them, the closest genre we could think of was the Alternative genre. The Alternative rock genre started to hit the charts in 1980's as artists and bands began to start merging different sub genres like grune, britpop, gothic rock and Indie pop.
We all agreed that this genre suits us well, we all feel comfortable with the choice and will now start looking into artists/ songs within this genre that we will all fell comfortable developing a music video with.

Monday 6 December 2010

Mind Map On The Genre Rock

Above is the mind map on the genre rock. We decided to produce a mind map as we felt it was the most efficient and effective way to show what rock is. Included in our mind map are:
  • Instruments used
  • Members of a typical rock band
  • Sub-genres of rock
  • The image associated with the genre
  • Rock artists
We believe that by producing this mind map, this early on, it will help us when we come to choosing an artists/band and thinking what we can do for the performance and narrative.

Thursday 2 December 2010


Today we met up to discuss how well we thought our lip sync activity went and also to discuss what the next step should be in our journey towards producing a music video. We felt that at this stage we should make a final decision on what genre of music we are going to choose. We decided to look back through the list of music genres we produced earlier and also watch several music videos for each of these genres. The genre we decided to focus on was Rock, as we felt this was the genre we would be able to produce the most successful music video to. Next we will produce a brainstorm about the genre Rock to get a better understanding on the genre and to generate our ideas. These can be seen on the individual blogs

Tuesday 30 November 2010


Today we came into our media class and were going to continue on our music video treatment however two out of the three members of the group needed to continue with both their star image collage and AS Media coursework retake. We then planned to continue this treatment at a slightly later date.

Lip Syncing Exercise

Before we continue with the production of our music video, we completed a lip syncing task which enabled us to gain skills in the following:
  • Confidence when performing in front of the camera
  • Performance skills which allowed the singing to look realistic and believable
  • To be confident with the words and timing of the song which we will be performing
  • Using a range of long, mid and close-up shots
After filming, we used the software Final Cut Express to edit and create a finished product to show for our lip syncing task. Final Cut Express will be the program we shall use to edit our final video, through this task we gained skills and knowledge about this software for example:
  • How to put in fades and transitions
  • Editing on the beat
  • Placing text over the video
  • Cutting clips of film
  • Syncing the video with the music
  • How to import video from the camera to the program
All of what we gained from this task we can use when producing our final production.

This is our lip syncing task, we performed the Glee cover of 'Don't Stop Believing', as it is a fun, fast tempo song which allowed us to succeed and achieve skills in this process. Enjoy!

Saturday 27 November 2010


Our first meeting took place on a Saturday at Jamie's house. We wanted to focus on choosing a genre and a target audience and we believe the meeting was very successful. 
  • What genre of music we all enjoy: Instruments, current artists, current music videos, codes and conventions of this genre
  • What genre we would all be happy to produce a music video in
  • Target Audience
What genre of music do we all enjoy?

Jamie: The genre of music I enjoy the most is Indie, as I think it is a very interesting genre and we could produce a really good video for it. We can also look at some very current, relevant artists for inspiration and ideas. The target audience I believe would be most suitable for this genre would be 16-20 year olds.

Faye: I enjoy listening to a wide range of different music genres, as on my i-pod  I could be listening to a musical soundtrack, then pop and then to Rock. However my favourite genres are Rock and Indie. By listening to a wide range of music I am happy to work with any genre when producing our video.

Elliot: I would say that my favourite genre of music is a Metal sub-genre known as post-hardcore. However I also enjoy a large variety of Indie, Pop/Punk and even Dubstep. I'm happy to work with most genre's of music, but am a little opposed to Mainstream Pop. 

Who do you think our Target Audience should be?

Jamie: Well guys, like I said earlier I believe that an ideal target audience would be 16-20 years olds, I believe this age group will be best as we will be producing a music video for people of our own age, therefore we will be able to know our self whether or not we have produced a successful music video.

Faye: I think that it would be best to have a target audience that we will be able to relate to. Therefore I think our music video should be targeted at an audience aged between 16-20.

Elliot: I think because we are all around 16 to 17 years old, we would relate best to an age group similar to our own. I think we all have a good understanding of our favourite genre's so I'd agree with a 16-20 year old target audience as mentioned earlier. 

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Today we decided to meet up to discuss what would be the next stage to take in our journey towards creating our own music video. We had already researched ideas and genres so decided to do some further research on an artist or star image of our choice. We then thought of how this research will be best displayed and came to the conclusion of creating a 'Star Image Collage'.

Monday 18 October 2010


Today we spoke between ourselves in our group to decide what we thought the next step should be. We have all done analysis' on several music videos so decided to do an analysis on something different; we decided to each analysis a film still of our chose to help use notice the different codes and conventions, camera techniques and editing tools which we could use or change in our own music videos.