Monday 24 January 2011


Now that we have a good idea on what will be happening in the music video we decided to think of some of the costumes that maybe used in the music video.

One idea we were certain on was that we will try to keep the colours to a minimal and only use dark colours, preferable black. The reason for this is because the colour black is code for misery and sadness and fits perfectly with our track choice, Bring Me To Life.

We are not going to have very big, outrageous Lady Gaga, as we feel it does not fit in well with our music video and the genre. We will have the main artists wearing normal dark clothing, with some jewelery, such as rings and necklaces.

The necklaces and rings would be suitable if they had some kind of gothic symbol on them such as a skull, bones or red roses. When we come to shooting we will insure that we check what every artist is wearing to insure it is appropriate because we want this music video to turn out perfect!

One more thing would be red or black nail varnish as this again is code for misery and a convention of the gothic, rock genre we have chosen.

How We Keep in Contact

For times that we are not in school and can not get in contact with each other, I have created a facebook group for us members of ELJAFproductions. By creating this group we can post ideas, photos and arrange filming times, and for it to be used like a blog between us three. 