Thursday 7 April 2011


Just to add, the video is in HD, just to make it that bit more amazing! ......yeah as you can tell we are very excited over the finished music video.... :)

The End!

GUYS!!!!! It's over! Well done to all the members of ELJAF Productions for putting this music video together! We all worked very well in the group and believe we have produced a very professional and successful music video alongside our individual ancillary texts. 

Others Takes On Our Music Video

Below is a comment made after I posted the final video on Facebook.

Alex Bawden - "maybe you could extend how long the phone appears on the screen? its a bit hard to read it really quickly but other than that it is AMAZING i cant believe you guys did it!!! it looks proffessional!"

Connor Wood - "Thats actually very good, I say actually because I started watching it thinking "oh lol media videos these are always funny"

Our Music Video [Completed] :)

Below is our final completed, finished, finito, lovely, done, music video. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we have enjoyed creating it! ............the end of a very good production era with the group members of ELJAF Productions! :')

Our Music Video [Draft 2]

Below is the second rough cut of our music video. This cut was shown to our teacher. She watched through this cut and she thought that overall it was very good, very well edited, performed and put together. There were some small issues which she felt were in the video, these are listed below:
  • 00:51 - Sitting on the floor - possibly longer
  • 01:00 - Centre the shot
  • 01:12 - When she is going down the stairs she should progress further
  • 01:35 - More of the artist
  • 02:00 - Maybe change the shot
  • 02:20 - Zoom in closer
  • 02:50 - Maybe change the shot
  • 02:55 - Zoom in or make the shot longer
  • 03:00 - I think this part is slightly out of sync

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Our Music Video [Draft 1]

Below is our rough cut which we showed to our media class and some other sixth form students. As you can see when watching the video there are some small parts missing and some clips in the wrong place, however these can be easily ironed out and corrected.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Today we decided to finish our music video. We managed to get all the clips into place and will put transitions and effects on the clip in tomorrows lesson and after school. We have also planned the evaluation answers for the four questions and will be completing this too tomorrow, in order to met the deadline. Once everything is completed we will upload the video to YouTube in full video and audio quality and embed them onto our own blogs and the group blog.